My Blog may both entertain you and surprise you. It is my hope that I can share with you, the beauty and majesty God has created for us to enjoy and perhaps give you a glimpse at what we've done to this world.
Plein Fun Fest
Yesterday, my Brother Terry and I photographed the artists participating in the Plein Fun Fest. This event was sponsored by Plein Air, Palm Beach. It was a wonderful event and both Terry and I enjoyed both photographing and getting to know some of their incredible artists.
Beautiful Utah
This photo of the amazing Utah landscape was taken more than 20 years ago with slide film and later digitized. It's just another example of the incredible beauty that God has provided for our enjoyment.
Beautiful Korea
Although South Korea is filled with awesome beauty, my most special memories of my many visits is the wonderful hospitality and warmth shown me.
Snow Storm In China
With snow so much of a story in the news last week, I thought I'd post a photo of just how beautiful snow can be if you don't have to shovel it. This photo was taken at an ancient resort just outside of Xian, China.